employee payroll monthly statement with salary rules, Employee payslip statement, payroll statement, hr payslip statement, hr payroll, hr employee payroll, payroll summary report, employee payslip by monthly payslip registrar, employee payslip generator, payslip salary rule

Employee Payroll Statement
DevIntelle Consulting Service Pvt.Ltd
27 | 1

Expense approval | Hr Expense Manager Approval | Odoo expense approval | Manage expense | HR expense approval | HR expense two step validation | expense two step validation | expense double approval | expense verification | hr Expense Validation | manage expense approval employee | employee two step validation

Expense Double Approval Workflow
DevIntelle Consulting Service Pvt.Ltd
13 | 1

Hr Penalty functioality for employee

HR Employee Penalty
DevIntelle Consulting Service Pvt.Ltd
18 | 1

odoo app allow to Employee for Purchase Request, Employee can request a purchase, Employee purchase request, employee rfq generate, employee material request, Employee Raw Material Request, Employee Request approval, Request for Qutation hr employee, Employee Purchase request Print approval

Employee Purchase Request, Employee Materail Request
DevIntelle Consulting Service Pvt.Ltd
5 | 1

odoo App will restrict user when user apply Leave Before Days on leave type

Leave Before Days
DevIntelle Consulting Service Pvt.Ltd
4 | 1

Employee Restrict to view other employee details.

Employee Access Own Profile
DevIntelle Consulting Service Pvt.Ltd
24 | 1

Employee Entry checklist

HR Employee Entry Checklist
Almighty Consulting Services
9 | 1

Employee Exit checklist

HR Employee Exit Checklist
Almighty Consulting Services
6 | 1

Employee Entry and Exit Checklist

HR Employee Checklist
Almighty Consulting Services
24 | 1

Komponen Penggajian indonesia yang meliputi Gaji Pokok, BPJS Kesehatan, BPJS Ketenaga Kerjaan, Bonus, Benefit Tax, Deduction dan lain-lain.

Enhanced Payroll Komponen Pengajian, BPJS, Bruto, THP, dll.
5 | 0

odoo app for Loan functioality for employee | employee loan Integrated with Payroll | HR employee loan management employee salary deduction for loan amount | loan amount easy deduction in employee payslip | Manage employee loan | HR loan for employee | Odoo loan management | Loan Request and Approval | Open HRMS Loan Management | Loan accounting | Odoo loan accounting | Employee loan management | Loan Deduction in employee payslip | loan for employee

Employee Loan Management
DevIntelle Consulting Service Pvt.Ltd
86 | 0

Menambahkan Fungsi Sisa Cuti Tahun Lalu yang dapat dipergunakan pada tahun berjalan

Enhanced Leaves (Accumulated Previous Year)
2 | 0

Form Pengisian Lembur beserta kalkulasi lembur berdasarkan peraturan pemerintah yang di integrasikan dengan modul payroll

Enhanced Payroll Overtime (Lembur)
3 | 0

Melakukan Penghitungan Proporsional (Prorate) pada komponen Gaji Pokok dan Tunjangan Jabatan

Enhanced Payroll Propor Gaji Pegawai
3 | 0

Melakukan Penghitungan Rapel Gaji Secara Propor (Prorate) pada pegawai dengan joining date setelah cutoff periode Penggajian

Enhanced Payroll Rapel Gaji Pegawai
2 | 0

Formulasi Perhitungan Pajak pph 21 grossup , biaya jabatan, penghasilan bruto

Enhanced Payroll pph21 (Perhitungan pph 21 grossup, biaya jabatan, dan bruto)
3 | 0

Print Dynamic Employee I-card 5 Card Template,employee card format,generate Employee Card Dynamically, employee icard template, employee image icard, dynamic employee icard print, employee icard multiple template

Hr Employee Card
DevIntelle Consulting Service Pvt.Ltd
20 | 0

Add custom field, dynamic fields , custom field on Employee, custom filed on hr Employee, custom char field, custom selecation field, custom date field, custom partner, custom customer fields,odoo studio, fields studio,employee fields, employee custom fields, employee extra fields

Add Custom Fields On Employee Screen
5 | 0

odoo App will add custom fields on Employee Form view screen on fly, NO technical Knowledge required

Add Custom Fields On Employee Screen
DevIntelle Consulting Service Pvt.Ltd
2 | 0

Apps will help to allocate multiple leaves to multiple employee in single click

Batch Employee Leave Allocation
DevIntelle Consulting Service Pvt.Ltd
5 | 0